Things to consider for a start-up business website

Web Design - 23-05-2024 -
Things to consider for a start-up business website

A start-up website is the best thing you can do as a small business that is just starting out. It provides you with a cost-effective digital vehicle to promote your business and to grow an online presence in an organic, effective way that doesn’t smash your budget and gives you positive brand perception to those looking for you. 

7 Reasons to have a start-up business website 

When you first open a business, you might think that a website is just out of budget to begin with. What’s wrong with word of mouth to start off? Maybe just a Facebook page will suffice? Here are a few reasons why you should always look to get a website as a start-up business.

1.It makes you look professional – It doesn’t matter how small your business is, or how long you’ve been trading, a business website makes you look more professional. Even if you just want to begin with a postcard-style landing page website, with just your contact information on, this is better than not having any online presence at all. 

2. It is a clear pathway on the customer journey – A good start-up website provides your potential customers a clear journey to go on if they are interested in purchasing your services or products. If a website does its job, it acts in the same way as a physical store in making a good first impression on customers, imploring them to come in and find out more.

3. Increase your visibility – Your goal as a business is to find new leads and to increase your customer base. Visibility is important, as without any visibility at all, you just won’t find any customers. A start-up business website provides you with that visibility should someone search for you online, but also gives you something to share.

4. A place for testimonials – A start-up business website provides you with a place to post customer reviews and testimonials. Review websites like Yelp, Trust Pilot, and Trip Advisor are all great to build a picture of the customer service you offer and other aspects of your business, but it is also good to have a place for these on your website, where people can go for proof of what you do. 

5. Gives lasting value – Whereas posting on social media and paying for adverts might give your company immediate access to a new audience, it costs money, and that audience will only see you for as long as you are paying for it. A business website on the other hand, provides you with a long-lasting place for potential customers and existing customers to view your information, to find out about new products and services, and allows you to tweak things over time.

6. A platform to scale in future – Although a basic start-up business website isn’t necessarily designed to allow you to sell your products online, it is the perfect first step towards that (if your end goal is to offer an ecommerce platform). As you grow, your business website can easily scale with you, providing you with the space to do whatever you wish within a digital landscape. 

7. A cost-effective solution – A start-up business website is a cost-effective solution that provides you with an online presence in a short timeframe. For instance, when you sign up to one of our packages, we spread the cost of the website over 24 months, with the option at the end of that time to switch to a maintenance and hosting plan or to continue with the same plan. What this means is that you get the benefits of a great new website immediately, without the upfront cost that might be prohibitive to a brand new company.

5 things you need to do for a successful start-up website

The following are some things you should consider when choosing a start-up business website. With our support we are there with you every step of the way to ensure you are fully prepared to wow the world and find your perfect customer online. 

1. Choose a domain name – Picking a good domain name is important, but can be tricky, in the same way that choosing a business name in the first place is. The address that your customers type in the URL bar in their browser could become part of your future marketing campaign if you are clever with your choice. 

2. Choose good design & imagery – The photos, design and imagery on your business website will go a long way to enhancing the potential of your business online. Images matter a lot in making a good first impression on users when they enter your website. Aesthetically-pleasing photos and other imagery help to capture the imagination, and accurately portray your brand and business offerings. 

3. Integrate your social mediaSocial media platforms are an important part of every modern business. Utilise the right channels for your business type, whether it is making TikTok videos and Instagram reels or having a basic Facebook page with event information. Most people, of all ages, have access to a social media account of some kind, and if you can link between your website and your socials it is another way to find new customers, and to build your brand with creative content. 

4. Understand what your competitors are doing – Make sure you research your competitors and see what works and doesn’t work on their websites. This type of analysis can go a long way to providing you with a blueprint that works for you and your ideal customer. Also check online reviews too. Knowing as much as you can about your competitors will help you become a better company and to have a more effective online presence.

5. Optimise for mobile – It is important that your website works on both a browser when someone is looking on their laptop, but also that it works well on a phone, as most people now view websites on their mobile phone.

3 other things to consider for a start-up website 

Once you have the start-up business website in basic form, there are a few things you can consider, to add some extra value. This doesn’t have to be all at once, you can take your time and grow your business website slowly, but these are all approaches you can take to have a more effective business website.

1. Add a blog to your site – By adding a blog you are taking an approach that works in two ways. First, every new page to your site is another way to improve your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). With relevant keywords, authoritative content, and a target audience, you can rank better for certain search terms in Google, but also improve your brand reputation through quality content.

2. Write for your audience – Think carefully about the content you write. Think about how your customers would like to be talked to. Write copy in a natural way that speaks directly to your core customer, as if you are having a conversation with them. This is a much better approach than stiff, formal copy that is dry and boring. 

3. Ask for customer feedback – Speak to your customers over time and see what they like and dislike about your website and service. This will help you to look at the areas of the site that you need to tweak and upgrade, where the user journey could be improved and to ensure a high level of customer satisfaction. 

Final words

In summary, a start-up business website provides a new business with an immediate, cost-effective online presence that can be used as a solid starting point to organically grow and reach a whole new audience. Keeping things simple in design and imagery, adding ways to easily improve content through a blog, and ensuring that you have the support of a team such as ours will go a long way to helping you build your brand online.

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blog author

This article is written by Jack Millard founder of Zixel. I am actually a real person and this was not written by AI or a robot. When I’m not writing blogs, I love great food, the occasional beer and motorbikes.

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